What is it Like to Practice at Core?

Core PT was started in 2001 to break the mould of how healthcare is practiced. We have been fortunate to be successful in our endeavors and success is measured in only one thing: happy patients.

Physical therapy is not a one size fits all offering. There are different therapies and doctors for the varying needs of so many types of people.

Core PT is staffed by physical therapists that have experience working in more traditional settings and found that they were more fulfilled working in a setting that allowed for patient individuality and therapist autonomy. These are therapists that are not happy with the status quo but instead consistently look for education and successful treatment strategies that better themselves as clinicians. The ultimate result - happy and healthy patients.

The effect of having a large amount of therapists, consistently learning and sharing information while pursuing individual interests has created a very amazing practice.

The interventions and treatments available to us are immense and increasing continually. The conditions that we are able to positively effect also increase including conditions in each specialty.

If you are in need of more from your profession, please join us of a day or a week and see if Core PT meets your needs for a rewarding professional experience.


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